Hey Leute, hätte da etwas wo ich eure Hilfe brauche. Und zwar, habe ja ein Turkey Neck, hab mal bisschen gegoogelt was man da alles so machen kann. Hab unter anderem eine OP gefunden die relativ harmlos sein soll und den gewünschten Erfolg bringt. Aber ich habe noch was ganz anderes gefunden, das Problem ist, es ist in Englisch und mein Englisch ist echt unter aller Sau

Wenn es kein Problem ist kopier ich euch das mal hier rein, sollte es eines sein darf gerne gelöscht werden. Ich brauche in dem Sinne eure Hilfe das ihr euch den Text mal durchliest und das sinnvolle in Deutsch übersetzt. Natürlich will ich auch wissen was ihr davon hält und ob ihr meint das dies funktioniert, ich als Neuling kann das absolut nicht beurteilen.
Hier der Text:
There have been numerous threads on Turkey neck(TN) and I have tried a couple of them. This is basically a meta-analysis of all them.
First of all, many people have been talking about doing foreskin restoration to fix their TN. I haven’t really noticed it helping me and I think that it made my TN worst.
How to find if you have TN?
Go stand in front of the mirror and pull up your unit when it’s flaccid. If your balls raise, you have turkey neck.
-It contributes to Curves.
-It is the resualt of the skin around your dick being too tight
-It resualts in hair being pulled up your shaft with the skin
-Some websites say that it is due to bad circumcision but I have heard of uncut individuals complain about it
-The medical name for this is penoscrotal webbing-if you want to learn more, do a quick Google search-
How to fix it?
Method 1: Reverse Erect Skin Stretch
Originally Posted by Dicko7X5 It’s really simple, you basically grab the penis an inch or so below your glans (just under the circumcision scar if you’re cut), with an OK-grip, while erect and then gently pull the skin downwards towards the base to a point where you feel you get a good comfortable stretch. The idea is that it should stretch the shafts skin to counter the turkey neck effect.
After using this for about 2 months, I only noticed Foreskin gain and I feel like it made my TN worst.
Method 2: Another routine that I came across was the health ball routine.
“Testicle Health Stretch will help your penis to hang lower in flaccid state. It will also increase blood flow to your testicles and aid in sperm count. This routine should take no longer than 5 minutes but the benefits are many.
With favorite lotion grab your scrotum just above your testicles. Now in a rubbing motion massage each testy for 30 seconds rubbing between your fingers in a gentle but firm movement. Now massage all the fluid around your testicles for 60 seconds. At this point your scrotum should be very relaxed. Finally lightly stretch your scrotum downward while the other hand pulls your penis upward. Do 60 of these. This is a very quick routine but the benefits are great. This will also aid you in any kind of early warning signs of testicular problems.”
Method 3: Building an all day Stretchers. The main problem with this attaching the skin to the stretcher. The skin starts to slide after a while so it is more of a half an hour stretcher. I tried surgical tape, duck tape and rubber band. I couldn’t come up with anything else. MyADS was a designed by myself so maybe that is why it didn’t workout.
Method 4: This is more of a prevention then a stretch. While your doing a regular pull, use your free hand to hold on to the skin at the base of your unit and pull it back. This actually helped. My TN got a little bit better after doing this.
Method 5: Duck tape around your balls for jelqing! The skin that is being pulled up come from the front of your ball sac. If you wrap duck tape around your balls, the tap will be attached to the skin and will prevent it from being pulled. This lasts for a while but your skin starts slide after about 30 min. The problem with this method is that it is really a pain. If you don’t shave before doing this, it’s going to hurt!
Method 6: Pulling your dick up while your stretching your sack downwards. I personally do not like the idea of pulling my balls away from my body with force.
This is all the methods that I have found on the net. The duck tape on, I just made up and I haven’t really tried it for more then a week and I am going to keep up with it. Anyone has any new ideas they like to share or any other methods that they have used? I will really appreciate it since Turkey neck business is really getting on my nerves.